Street lighting plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and comfort of road users. It not only provides a safer driving environment but also helps reduce road accidents.

Here are some essential tips for proper street lighting:

1. Understand the specific lighting needs: Before initiating the street lighting process, it is important to assess factors such as the type of roads (urban or rural), traffic intensity, atmospheric conditions, and the impact of lighting on road user safety.

2. Focus on critical areas: Identify areas that require stronger lighting, such as roundabouts, difficult turns, intersections, and locations with limited visibility. Give special attention to these points to ensure adequate lighting.

3. Utilize natural and artificial lighting: Optimize street lighting by combining natural light with artificial lighting sources. This approach can enhance illumination while minimizing energy consumption.

4. Consider weather conditions: In areas prone to fog or heavy rain, increase the number of lights to improve visibility and illumination during adverse weather conditions.

5. Choose advanced lighting technologies: Take advantage of improved lighting technologies such as LED lamps, which offer efficient lighting and better light distribution. LEDs are energy-efficient and help reduce excessive energy consumption associated with street lighting.

6. Use high-quality and reliable products: Select lamps that are designed to withstand different atmospheric conditions and provide efficient lighting for an extended period. Ensure that the chosen products are of high quality and certified to meet safety standards.

Here are some additional tips:

1. Regularly inspect and clean light fixtures: Conduct routine inspections and clean the light fixtures to ensure they are in good working order. Check for any damage, cuts, or obstructions that may obstruct the light. Remove dust, debris, or any other substances that could reduce the intensity of the light.

2. Verify lighting control systems: If you have installed lighting control systems, ensure that they are functioning properly. Check automated or manual systems for turning the lights on and off and make necessary adjustments to suit different conditions.

3. Monitor energy performance: During maintenance, monitor the energy performance of the luminaires to identify excessive use or energy inefficiencies. Take appropriate actions to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.

In conclusion, ensure that the luminaires used comply with certified European standards and prioritize safety when choosing street lighting solutions.